Best day ever for burrowing owls!

Having see a pair of burrowing owls in the Lower Klamath NWR on my way home from Colorado, I was curious if they had had any chicks, so I drove over to the refuge a couple days ago.  I found the burrow with one adult owl hanging around the entrance,…

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Colorado, Spring 2016

I am back from the spring trip to Colorado.  The trip to Colorado was more interesting than I had planned.  Normally, I don’t worry too much about the weather for the spring trip, but this year was different.  I drove though snow on the stretch from Lakeview, Or to Winnemucca,…

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Otter Friend

After apparently making a connection with one of the otters last winter, I have been looking forward to this one to see if he would remember me at all.  Since I got back after Thanksgiving, I have gone out to the pond regularly, but I had seen otters only once…

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Colorado Fall 2015

I recently returned from my annual fall trip to Colorado.  Overall the weather was great, but the aspen seemed to have a weird change in the fall.  I many areas, you could find trees in peak color, some still very green, and still others where the leaves had already completely…

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Colorado trip

I just returned from a 6 week trip to Colorado by way of most of the western U.S.  Weather did not really cooperate even though May is usually a good time to travel.   I had fog from the south end of the Golden Gate almost to San Luis Obisbo.  So…

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Best weekend ever for otters!

After two winters of photographing the otters at Ashland Pond, one of them decided he recognized me and I posed no threat to him.  He (or she) gradually started getting closer to me this winter until on Feb 19, he would catch a fish, swim by me as if to…

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